Some imaging studies will have a Structured Report series (SR). In the viewer, the series will look like this:

Clicking the "here" button should open a window with a report, possibly a radiology report. However, there are times when the viewer may not be able to display the report, and the popup window will look empty, like this: 

SafePACS regularly updates the viewer to include more file configurations that in can show. However, if the above should happen, you can try the following to view the report:

1) Click once on the Structured Report series in the viewer to select it (the one that looks like this image, but don't click the "here" button):

2) Once this series is selected, click on the "DICOM" button in the toolbar on top:

3) A window showing the DICOM properties will open. If present, click the first "data" button: 

4) This will download a text file (.txt) to your computer. In Chrome, this file will show up in the bottom left of your browser

5) Click this download to open it. Normally, in Microsoft Windows, a text file will open in Notepad. If there is a viewable report, it should open in this application.

6) If a report with nonsense letters and characters opens, try clicking one of the other "data" buttons in the "DICOM" window instead (step 3 above).

Please let us know if you come across images or Structured Reports that do not show properly, and we will try to correct the problem as soon as possible.